Host a workshop: Help nursing staff and students learn to identify and make solutions for improving patient care and introduce them to materials and tools to build D-I-Y (Do-It-Yourself) medical devices and technologies. 

Invest in a MakerHealth Program for your hospital: Bring machines, tools, and materials that will allow your nurses to convert their ideas into prototypes. There are various levels of MakerHealth Spaces, ranging from a mobile cart to a static workspace with laser cutters, 3D printers and more. The MakerHealth Programs include physical prototyping resources and a MakerHealth Operating System (SM) with training curriculum, integration into hospital operations and a web-platform for metrics and sharing prototypes among staff.

Share your MakerNurse story: Share your story of making in healthcare, whether you have made a device that is part of a research study, a solution using hospital or homecare materials that is already helping patients or a commercialized product, we want to hear from you! We'll feature select stories on the website through the "Made by a MakerNurse" blog series. Email us at hello [at] makernurse [dot] org

Share your "Healthcare How-To" on MakerHealth Create. Join the active community of health makers from nursing, medicine, therapists, caregiving and patients. MakerHealth Create is an exchange of useful how-to's for DIY health solutions, medical devices and general tips and tricks of ways to make patients more comfortable and safer inside the hospital and home. 

Join the MakerNurse and MakerHealth Networks. The MakerNurse network includes an annual MakerNurse Summit, monthly prototyping kits and access to a community of nursing leaders and frontline staff who are pioneering making in healthcare in the clinical, homecare and educational settings. Contact MakerNurse Co-Founder Anna Young to apply to join at anna [at] makerhealth [dot] co