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AACN National Teaching Institute and Critical Care Exposition
to May 24

AACN National Teaching Institute and Critical Care Exposition

  • Boston Convention Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

MakerNurse will be part of the AACN American Association of Critical-Care Nurses 2018 Conference in Boston, May 22-24. Come visit our team at Booth 2205 with our partners from UTMB Health. We'll have Pop-Up MakerHealth Space and examples of critical care nurse-made devices!

Schedule a prototyping session with our team:

Register for a MakerNurse Prototyping 101 session at MIT:

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Infusion Nursing Society 2018 Annual Conference
1:30 PM13:30

Infusion Nursing Society 2018 Annual Conference

  • Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join MakerNurse Co-Founder Anna Young for an interactive presentation with Tiffany Kelly of Nightingale Apps.

Infusion nurses create the most complex and intricate IV circuits and have incredible ideas for ways to modify devices to improve patient care. We can’t wait to hear your idas and help to turn them into prototypes!

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